Cho Sat is the city market in Hai Phong, located next to Tarn Bac Bus Station where you’d take buses to Hanoi. It is a busy place covering a large area and it’s far from touristy. The market has stalls selling all kinds of daily goods imaginable, ranging from clothing and groceries to cheap gadgets and electronics. The market is also often referred to as the ‘Iron Market’, due to its predominantly steel construction in the late 19th century.

Even if you don’t plan to buy anything at Cho Sat Market, it’s still an interesting experience to observe local life in this busy downtown area of Hai Phong. Head up to the 3rd and 4th floors where you can dine and drink with views of the waterways.

Add: Quang Trung Street, Hong Thai, Hong Bang, Hai Phong, Vietnam

Openning: Daily from 7.30 am to 8 pm